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From UamWiki

(The full list of Ages: List of Ages)




(to read the spoiler, select it with your mouse or press "Ctrl+A")
There's another three caves, like the one you arrived in.
  From the start, stand on 4th pillar to left and do a running jump to the opposite side to get to the 3rd cave.
  From the start, follow along your left side, doing a walking jump from pillar to pillar to reach the 2nd cave.
  From the pillar in front of the 2nd cave, walk to the end, then turn right and walk off to fall below the short pillar beside this long one.  This is in front of the 4th cave.
    Reward music plays when inside.

Putting this Age on your bookshelf

This command will place this book on the 3rd position of your Relto bookshelf:

/bookshelf 3 Maw