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(The full list of Ages: List of Ages)




(to read the spoiler, select it with your mouse or press "Ctrl+A")
Explore and read both journals. (Older versions had only one.)
There is a block that links to Dragon's Tooth.
(2009Jul28 version only)There is a stereo that can be turned on and off.
Note the list of Scandinavian clam fossils:
There are 3 notes on the billboard, written in Swedish.  Translation:
  ASSIGNMENT 1: Place the blocks so that they show the stratification of Kinnekulle.  Take a picture of yourself and the blocks.
  ASSIGNMENT 2: Click on the rock types names in the order they appear on Kinnekulle and you will get to see what's in the box!
  ASSIGNMENT 3: A collection of fossils is hidden somewhere.  Find it and draw a simple map where X marks the location.
Assignment 1:
  In the one journal, we see that the Swedish names for the layers are:
    Urberg, Sandsten, Alunskiffer, Kalksten, Lerskiffer, Trapp.
    Which match up with the U, S, A, K, L, 3 on the cubes.  (Trapp is like the Swedish word "Tre" for "Three".)
Assignment 2:
  Note the puzzle on the table.
  It says to click the papers in the same order as they are layered according to the journal.
  (Solution: PrecambrianRock, Sandstone, Aleshale, Limestone, Clayshale, Diabase.)
  Now take a look in the box!
Assignment 3:
  The collection of fossils is hidden in the center of the pond.  Draw a map!

Putting this Age on your bookshelf

This command will place this book on the 3rd position of your Relto bookshelf:

/bookshelf 3 Kinnekulle