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Every have one of those days where you just fall into a blue funk?

Sometimes when I'm building Ages in Max for Uru I tend to get that way. My mind drifts off while I'm doing easy tasks within Max with Cyan's plugin.

Some of the things that get me depressed are:

1) Working on a "super secret" project, where I'm creating magic and all sorts of unique things never before seen in Fan Ages, or even Uru itself, and yet I can't show it to anyone outside the project. That really get's depressing at times. Especially when you have to spend a lot of time on it, instead of things that you can show to other people.

2) Seeing people move off to other things that they are more interested in. I can't blame them for that, but what gets really depressing about it is that they completely loose interest in Uru or pretty much expend all their energies on those other places, and have no energy or time left for Uru, simply as a game.

3) Loud mouths that think they know everything there is to know about Uru, and how everything should be. Doomsayers who cry loudly that if people don't listen to them, all will be lost. And the fact that these people really have not given (and I do mean given) very much to the community, yet demand everything from the community in return.

I had someone ask me in a private message over at the GoMa forum, how things were going, how the forum move went, straightening up the forum, and where are all those people that came out of the woodwork, promising to do inspections............

I wasn't sure if I should laugh or cry in response. I dropped everything I was doing to give the GoMa a new home, straighten out parts of the forum that were defunct or not used anymore, make other things much more visible. Set up inspections so that it would be easier to do them.......

What I've ended up with is a forum that looks better now, is more organized, and everything is easier to get to......but none of those people that showed up out of no where have stopped by again, done an inspection or 2 (it's been about 2 weeks and I'm the only one that' has done any). Worse, I had people that were using the GoMa as a home, suddenly decide that they were "moving out" so to speak, and have moved their discussions else where (the slap in the face was the alternate forum I had set up could have been used for this, but they'd made their decision without even asking me.........I just needed some time to finish what I was doing at the GoMa to get the alternate forum set back up again....but I guess that was not good enough for them, and they needed their new place in a rush....).

So there I sit in a pretty much empty Hall now. Ah well, I've got the candle burning in the window. I'll just drag my chair over in a corner, sit down and doze I guess.

Not hearing anything from Cyan is also a depressing thing. especially after the HUGE burst of energy we had from the last spring......I lost count of all the information I gave them in how they could get Fan Ages on to MOUL:a (and yes, I KNOW what I'm talking about when it comes to that.....all the technical aspects)......

Well, instead of saying all that to the person that messaged me.......instead I just sent them this song, heh. Funny thing about the song. It's from a show on Nickelodeon, yet the lyrics to this song pretty much describes how I feel about Uru, Cyan, and people I know in the community.....

Here it is:

Freak The Freak Out