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From UamWiki
Version 2009May17:
Read the journal on the ground.
The black hexstones link to Eocene.
On the path to Mt. Rogers, there is a brown block on the right side that links to Precambrian.
One map asks for the location of the USA 450mya, and the journal tells us that the USA and England and Sweden were at approximately the equater, so we just need to find the distance.  And it tells us we can find the distance by comparing fossils from the two places...
Find (at least) almost all the numbered fossils (it should still work if you just find almost all):
  usa fossils in Dragon's Tooth: (51 TOTAL)
    see the link to the map below.
    1,2,3, 4,5,6,8, 13,14,15,18, 19,20,21,24,25,27,28,30,31,32,36, 38,39,40,41,42,49,50,52,53, 55,56,57,58,59,61,63,64, 65,66,69,71,72,73,74,76,77,79,80,82
  england fossils(in the journal):(23 TOTAL)
  shared between england and usa: 3,15,19,21,24,27,32,42,50,53,57,65,77,80 (14 total)
  using the formulas in the journal:
  Earth'sCircumference(the radius is in the journal)=2*pi*r=2*pi*6378.1=40075
  usa-england-longitude=(dist/circ)*360=(5082/40075)*360=45.65 degrees
  click on the map that asks for the location of the USA 450mya at that location(45degrees West of England) to link to Kinnekulle!
Map asking for the location of Sweden:
  Sweden's fossils can be found in Kinnekulle's journal.
  shared between england and sweden: 3,19,21,27,42,50,57,65,77 (9 TOTAL)
  using the formulas in the journal:
  Click on the map 9 degrees west of england to open the door.
    small block links to WindRiver
    large block links to Ordovician
(Alternatively, these locations could be found on the map in Ordovician.)

Version 2009Dec23:
Explore around, finding the 4 linking fossils to the other geology Ages.  There's also a button on the sign with the question that will move the slab beside it.