Important! Please read the announcement at
Also! Please read the retirement announcement at
From UamWiki
Version 22
- Now reads /img/UamAgeInfo/ files which can be packaged with Ages, allowing Ages to have the correct name, spawnpoints, availability, etc immediately upon the Age's release.
- Chat Ack module, tries to ensure that the recipients receive text. (May cause side-effects; disabled by default)
- Bugfix: Fixed French and German Relto Page titles
Version 20
- Bugfix: Fixed issue with multiple UamVars sometimes conflicting.
Version 19
- Changed some things to match the changes to Offline-KI, so that both 3.4 and 3.5 are supported.
- Added some more tests.
- Changed Christmas dates to begin right after St. Nicholas' Day, and continue through Epiphany/Ukrainian Christmas.
Version 18
- Removed some log messages that were too frequent.
- Removed a traceback log messages that was actually not an error.
- Fixed bug with linking out of the Bahro Caves resulting in non-functional Relto book.
- Enables Christmas, Thanksgiving & Halloween, and New Year's stuff at the appropriate time of year.
Version 17
- First version since original UAM days.
- Customize the books on your Relto bookshelf, using /bookshelf.
- If used online, any visitors to your Relto will even see and can use your selection of your favourite Ages!
- Authors can now create and share Relto Pages! More info and a tutorial here:
- And it works online too, so that when visiting someone's Relto, you will see the pages they have turned on.
- And for people making Ages, it is even easy to have your page be a reward for solving a puzzle!
- For people testing a new avatar and wanting to get up and running quickly, there are three new cheat commands: /opencleftdoor, /getki, and /getmarkers
- A stable framework for Age authors, making it possible to do many things without Python nor SDL.
- Linking books and journals and clickables are all supported in this first version. UamVars!
- For those who do prefer Python, there are many commands here:
- It is all carefully designed so that everything is supportable whether in Pots, Alcugs, UntilUru, Moulagain, or Talcum!
- A full reset command (/reset) that resets a fan Age's state, and works both offline and online.
- (Technical details: removes the AgeChronicles, DevicesFolder, VaultSDL, PlayerChronicles, physics, and regular SDL.)
- Module system that easily allows you to enable/disable modules.
- GPLv3+, like Drizzle.